
At Flatpack, our mission is clear: we are committed to building trust in AI.

Flatpack democratises AI and ML through micro language models and model compression. Our platform enables users to train custom language models with 100M to 10B parameters. We introduce flatpacks (FPKs) to integrate AI and ML into edge computing, electronic components, and robots.

“A tide of investment is pouring into generative artificial intelligence. Will it be worth it? /…/ The use cases, or killer apps, that fully justify the intense investment are yet to emerge.” (Goldman Sachs 2024)

Micro language models

Micro language models (100M to 10B parameters) provide an efficient alternative to large language models, addressing deployment, reliability, and scalability challenges. Their compact size enables rapid pre-training and fine-tuning, allowing organisations to adapt swiftly to market shifts and specific needs. These models can be readily deployed in edge-adjacent environments such as laptops, microprocessors, and smartphones, offering accessibility and versatility.

Edge artificial intelligence

Edge artificial intelligence uses local devices to enhance decision-making near data sources, improving privacy, response times, and security while reducing reliance on cloud connectivity. Benefits include decreased latency, improved scalability, and reduced energy usage.

Flatpack is a versatile interface for AI, similar to how general-purpose input/output pins function for hardware, making it the GPIO of artificial intelligence.

Hooks and schedules

Flatpack uses hooks to trigger custom actions in response to specific events, while schedules automate AI processes at predetermined intervals.

Python package

On August 17, 2023, version 0.0.1 of our Python package was launched under the Apache License 2.0, marking its initial release to the public. As of October 22, the website reports 122,509 downloads of our Python package in the past month ( 2024).

Market size

According to a 2023 McKinsey report, generative AI could add $2.6-$4.4 trillion annually to the global economy, comparable to the UK’s 2021 GDP of $3.1 trillion (McKinsey 2023).

“That would add 15 to 40 percent to the $11 trillion to $17.7 trillion of economic value that we now estimate nongenerative artificial intelligence and analytics could unlock.” (McKinsey 2023).

Did you know that the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts AI will have a $19.9 trillion global economic impact by 2030, driving 3.5% of GDP and significantly affecting jobs worldwide (IDC 2024)?

In 2024, the top five global industries are projected to generate $22.71 trillion in revenue. These industries are life and health insurance carriers, car and automobile sales, commercial real estate, pension funds, and oil and gas exploration and production (IBISWorld 2024).

“According to the research, in 2030, every new dollar spent on business-related AI solutions and services will generate $4.60 into the global economy, in terms of indirect and induced effects.” (IDC 2024).